LG Liquid and Gas Coalescing Filter Cartridges
Introduction: LG Liquid and Gas Coalescing Filter Cartridges This is a list of typical part numbers for the product described in this catalogue. For part numbers and configurations that are that are not listed please contact usl. CC05LGH13 Nominal Lengt
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Product parameter:
LG Liquid and Gas Coalescing Filter Cartridges
This is a list of typical part numbers for the product described in this catalogue.
For part numbers and configurations that are that are not listed, please contact usl.
Nominal Length: 5 in. (127 mm)
Nominal Filter Area: 0.08 m2 (0.84 ft2)
Configuration, Adapter and Seal Design: SOE, Internal O-ring
Operating Service Pressure: Low/High > 17.2 barg (250 psig)
Nominal Length: 10 in. (254 mm)
Nominal Filter Area: 0.26 m2 (2.8 ft2)
Configuration, Adapter and Seal Design: SOE, Piston O-ring
Operating Service Pressure Low > 17.2 barg (250 psig)
Nominal Length: 30 in. (762 mm)
Nominal Filter Area: 0.88 m2 (9.5 ft2)
Configuration, Adapter and Seal Design: SOE, Piston O-ring
Operating Service Pressure: Low > 17.2 barg (250 psig)
Nominal Length: 30 in. (762 mm)
Nominal Filter Area: 0.80 m2 (8.6 ft2)
Configuration, Adapter and Seal Design: SOE, Piston O-ring
Operating Service Pressure: Low/High > 17.2 barg (250 psig)
Nominal Length: 30 in. (762 mm)
Nominal Filter Area: 0.88 m2 (9.5 ft2)
Configuration, Adapter and Seal Design: DOE, Gasket seals
Operating Service Pressure: Low/High > 17.2 barg (250 psig)
Nominal Length: 40 in. (1016 mm)
Nominal Filter Area: 2.60 m2 (28 ft2)
Configuration, Adapter and Seal Design: SOE, Piston O-ring
Operating Service Pressure: Low/High > 17.2 barg (250 psig)
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