High efficiency deep pleated seperator air Filtration Grade
Introduction:High efficiency deep pleated seperator air Filtration Grade hepa filter Product Description ULTRAwal HJSSeparator HEPA Filter canheoretically remove at least 99.97% ofdust,pollen,mold,bacteria and any airborneparticles with a size of 0.3 mi
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Product parameter:
High efficiency deep pleated seperator air Filtration Grade hepa filter
ULTRAwal ® HJS Separator HEPA Filter can heoretically remove at least 99.97% of dust,pollen,mold,bacteria and any airborne particles with a size of 0.3 micrometers.In some cases,they can even remove or reduce viral contamination.The diameter specification of 0.3 responds to the most penetrating particle size(MPPS).Particles that are smaller or larger are trapped with even higher efficiency.
Users microfiber glass media, providing efficiency to published performance values and is resistant to moisture in high humidity environments.
Typical applications include medical facilities,pharmaceutical manufacturing, electronics component manufacturing, food and dairy processing facilities, hospitals, nuclear, laboratories, aerospace, optics and many other ocations where ultra-clean air is a requirement.
- Filter efficiencies of 99.97% up to 99.993% 0.3 µm;
- Tested for leak proof;
- High dust holding capacity;
-Standard Capacity and High Capacity available;
-Each filter includes a label noting tested
efficiency,pressure drop,rated airflow;
- A one-piece endless gasket to ensure a leak-free filter-
to-holding mechanism seal;
Xinxiang Lifeierte Filter Corp.,Ltd
Address:Filter Industrial Zone,Beihuan Road,Muye District,Xinxiang City,Henan P.R.China
Attn :Kayla
International Mobile :+86 18625907408(whatsapp)
Headquarters Tel:+86-373-2638828
E-mail: sales05@xxldlq.com
Link in:sales05@xxldlq.com
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