Revolutionizing Fluid Management: The GLYC Series High Viscosity Oil Purifier

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In the world of industrial machinery and hydraulic systems, maintaining the purity and integrity of oils is essential for optimal performance. This very need has led to the production of highly efficient oil purifying systems. One of them that stands head and shoulders above the rest is the GLYC series High Viscosity Oil Purifier, a device designed specifically to handle high viscosity oils.

Exceptional Features at a Glance:
This sophisticated oil purifier was made bespoke for high-viscosity oils. It smoothly transports the fluid, without any pulsations causing minimum noise and insignificant vibrations, thanks to its special high-viscosity oil pump. This feature gives it a superior self-priming ability and provides a smooth and steady operation.


Customization and Applications:
The GLYC series High Viscosity Oil Purifier is tailorable to suit the unique needs of different hydraulic systems. It is a multipurpose device – from filtering new oil, adding and filtering fresh oil, to purifying oil in use and even providing bypass filtration when the hydraulic lubrication system is in action.

Designed for Maximum Efficiency and Safety:
Mindful of the diverse nature of fluids, this oil purifier can filter a broad spectrum of corrosive media. It stands as the go-to device for high-viscosity oil filling and filtration needs. When the temperature drops too low or the oil's viscosity is too high, the built-in heater can be activated to heat the oil up to a maximum of 120°C.

The device's pipeline is equipped with an overflow protection device to guarantee the safety of the hydraulic system. Additionally, it features thermal relay protection to thwart motor damage due to overload. In essence, the GLYC series High Viscosity Oil Purifier has a tangibly smart design meant to safeguard the system from potential hazards and prolong the device's life.

Quick and User-Friendly:
The oil purifier's design ensures easy handling, with details like the quick-opening shell for the oil heater. This means that the upper cover can be opened quickly to replace the filter element, without the need for any tools. Furthermore, the panel features a pressure gauge for continuous system status updates and filter element pollution degree protection during operation.

Unraveling the Advantages:
The GLYC series High Viscosity Oil Purifier offers you a world of benefits. The special gear pump driven by a motor provides a low-noise operational environment and has a strong self-priming capability for stable operation.

The GLYC series High Viscosity Oil Purifier emerges as a high-value player in the oil filtration and purification sector. With a host of brilliantly curated features, it demonstrates an impressive capacity to handle, filter, and purify high-viscosity oils. This oil purifier is a perfect blend of innovation, efficiency, and safety, making it an investment that reaps generous returns in prolonging the longevity of your hydraulic systems.

The GLYC series High Viscosity Oil Purifier has been masterfully designed with several features specifically aimed at ensuring the safety of the hydraulic system:

  1. Overflow Protection Device: To prevent the hydraulic system from handling too much oil at any one time, an overflow protection device is installed in the pipeline. This feature is designed to stop any excess oil from flooding the system, thereby maintaining the balance in oil levels and ensuring operational safety.

  2. Thermal Relay Protection: One of the significant risks to any hydraulic system is motor overload which can cause substantial damage. To prevent this, the GLYC series High Viscosity Oil Purifier comes with thermal relay protection. This feature is designed to keep tabs on the motor's operation and prevent it from damaging due to overload.

  3. Oil Suction Port Coarse Filter: Before the oil reaches the pump, it passes through the oil suction port coarse filter. This feature is vital to protect the oil pump from any large particles that could cause damage. By doing so, it also in turn prolongs the service life of the main filter, thereby safeguarding the overall health of the hydraulic system.

  4. Optional Heating Function: Sudden and significant drops in temperature can drastically increase oil viscosity, putting strain on the hydraulic system. To counter this, the GLYC series Oil Purifier is equipped with an optional heating function. If the oil's viscosity is too high or the temperature too low, the heater can be used to warm the oil to an appropriate consistency, with a maximum temperature of 120°C. By maintaining stable operating conditions, this function not only allows the purifier to continue working efficiently, but also helps prevent potential damage to the hydraulic system due to excessive stress.

Therefore, through a combination of these strategically integrated features, the GLYC series High Viscosity Oil Purifier ensures not only efficient purification and filtering operations, but also safeguards the overall health and longevity of the hydraulic systems it is assisting.

The optional heating function in the GLYC series High Viscosity Oil Purifier plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety and optimal operation of the hydraulic system. Its main purposes include:

  1. Dealing with High Viscosity Oils: High viscosity oils are thicker and can be more challenging to pump, put through a filtration system or manipulate. The heating function can be used to reduce the oil's viscosity, making it easier to pump and filter, reducing the stresses on the system.

  2. Handling Low Temperature Conditions: When working in colder environment or during the winter, the temperature of oil can drop significantly. Low temperatures can increase the viscosity of the oil, impeding its flow through the system. The heating function is able to increase the temperature of the oil, making it flow more easily and reducing potential strain on the system.

  3. Preventing System Damage: The heating function, by maintaining the oil at an optimal temperature, prevents potential damage that might be caused to the system by oil that is too viscous. High-viscosity oil can hinder the proper functioning of the system, cause the motor to overload and potentially lead to system failure.

  4. Enhancing System Efficiency: By maintaining an optimal oil temperature, the heating function also helps to increase the overall efficiency of the hydraulic system. Oil at the correct temperature ensures optimal fluidity, leading to more efficient operations.

In summary, the optional heating function ensures safety and efficiency of operations by maintaining optimal oil temperature, mitigating problems associated with high viscosity, and ensuring smooth and efficient operations of the hydraulic system.

Maintaining an optimal oil temperature with the heating function in the GLYC series High Viscosity Oil Purifier is crucial for the hydraulic system's efficiency for several reasons:

  1. Improves Oil Flow: As oil temperature increases, the oil’s viscosity decreases. A decrease in viscosity means that the oil has better flow characteristics, making it easier for the oil to be transported throughout the system. When the oil flows efficiently, it can reach all parts of the system more effectively, ensuring optimal lubrication and minimizing wear and tear on components.

  2. Boosts Filtration Performance: High-viscosity or thicker oils can be challenging for a filtration system. As the heating function reduces the oil's viscosity by heating, a smoother filtration process can occur, enhancing the overall efficiency of the system.

  3. Prevents System Strain: A common problem that occurs when the oil is too viscous is that the pump and other system components need to work harder to move the oil. This additional strain can lead to premature wear, failures, or increased energy consumption. By maintaining an optimal oil temperature, the heating function eases this strain, hence enhancing system efficiency.

  4. Reduces Energy Usage: High viscosity oils demand more energy in pumping and filtration, as the system has to work harder to handle them. By using the heating function, the viscosity is kept at a manageable level, reducing the amount of energy required to pump and process the oil, making the system more energy-efficient.

In conclusion, by keeping oil temperatures within an optimal range, the heating function on the GLYC series High Viscosity Oil Purifier ensures that the hydraulic system can function efficiently and effectively, while also exaggerating the system's lifespan through reduced wear and tear.

Maintaining optimal oil temperature in a hydraulic system is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Improved Efficiency: High viscosity or thick oil can clog filters and cause the pump to work harder, consuming more energy and decreasing system efficiency. Optimal temperature reduces viscosity, improving flow and reducing energy consumption.

  2. Extended Component Lifespan: High viscosity oil can increase wear on the pump and other components in the system. By reducing the oil's viscosity with optimal temperature, you decrease wear and extend the life of the system components.

  3. Reduced Risk of Cavitation: Cavitation is the rapid formation and collapse of vapor pockets in a flowing liquid due to forces acting upon the liquid. It often occurs in pumps when the oil is too viscous and can cause significant damage. Maintaining an optimal oil temperature reduces the risk of cavitation.

  4. Better Lubrication: Warm oil can circulate more easily and provide better lubrication to the components of the system, reducing friction and preventing unnecessary damage to the system.

  5. Reduced Maintenance Costs: By preserving the lifespan of system components and preventing component damage, maintaining an optimal oil temperature can save on replacement parts and labor costs associated with maintenance or repair.

  6. Maximized System Performance: Keep in mind that a hydraulic system's performance is largely dependent upon the oil it uses. When the oil is kept at an ideal temperature, every aspect of the system runs more efficiently, and superior performance can be achieved.

By keeping the hydraulic oil at the optimal temperature, you are effectively contributing to a more efficient, durable, and high-performing hydraulic system.

Cavitation is a phenomenon in fluid dynamics where rapid changes in the pressure of a liquid lead to the formation and subsequent collapse of small steam-filled cavities or "bubbles". Here's how it impacts the performance of a hydraulic system:

  1. Damage to Components: When the bubbles formed during cavitation collapse, they release significant energy. While small, these energy bursts can cause pitting on the metal surfaces of hydraulic components, leading to their degradation and failure over time.

  2. Reduced Efficiency: Cavitation can lead to an erratic flow of the hydraulic fluid resulting in loss of control and efficiency in the hydraulic system.

  3. Increased Noise and Vibration: The cavitation process can generate noise and excessive vibration, which can lead to unpredictable behavior of the system and component damage.

  4. Reduced Pump Performance: In a pump, cavitation causes a drop in fluid pressure, which reduces the pump's output. This also results in lower system performance.

  5. System Overheating: Cavitation can increase system heat, which can degrade the hydraulic fluid and potentially harm other system components.

Maintaining the right oil temperature and pressure, and ensuring the system is well maintained and any air is removed from oil, can help prevent cavitation. Cavitating systems require more maintenance and component replacements, leading to higher operating costs. This underlines the importance of measures to prevent or mitigate cavitation in hydraulic systems.

Cavitation can be quite damaging to a hydraulic system if not identified and addressed early. Here are several signs that indicate cavitation might be occurring:

  1. Noise: One of the first indications of cavitation is noise. A cavitating pump can create a high-pitched whining, hissing, or rattling sound. The noise is a result of the cavitation bubbles collapsing, releasing energy that causes rapid vibrations.

  2. Vibration: Along with noise, a hydraulic system experiencing cavitation may also exhibit excessive vibration due to the impact energy of the collapsing bubbles, leading to system instability.

  3. Decreased Performance: Cavitation can cause a reduction in flow rate and system performance. The pump will not be able to maintain a proper flow, leading to a reduction in system pressure. This can impact the system's overall ability to perform tasks efficiently.

  4. Temperature Increase: Cavitation can lead to an increase in the temperature of the hydraulic fluid. The process produces heat and, if extensive, can cause system overheating.

  5. Component Damage: A tell-tale sign of cavitation is pitting damage seen on metal surfaces, especially the pump components. Over time, this can cause significant wear and tear, leading to component failure.

If any of these signs are evident, it's advisable to check the system for cavitation. This could involve examining the fluid for air bubbles, checking the pump's inlet and outlet valves for any obstructions or limitations, and inspecting the pump and other components for any visible signs of damage.

Cavitation can considerably impact the performance of a hydraulic system in several detrimental ways:

  1. System Efficiency Loss: During cavitation, the formation and collapse of bubbles or cavities disrupt the smooth flow of hydraulic fluid, leading to a decrease in the overall efficiency of the system.

  2. Pump Damage: The collapse of these cavities generates shock waves that can cause physical damage to the pump components. Over time, pitting or erosion can occur, reducing the pump's effectiveness and lifespan.

  3. Noise and Vibration Increase: Cavitation often results in increased system noise and vibration, which can lead to further damage to other components and cause the hydraulic system to operate unpredictably.

  4. Heat Generation: The constant formation and collapse of bubbles create heat, which can raise the temperature of the hydraulic fluid. Excess heat can degrade the oil faster and potentially damage other components within the system.

  5. Decreased System Response and Output: As cavitation affects the pump's ability to effectively pressurize and move the fluid, it can lead to decreased system response and lower overall output.

Given these impacts, it's essential to prevent cavitation in hydraulic systems, through measures such as maintaining appropriate fluid levels, avoiding air in the system, and keeping the system correctly pressurized and well maintained.

Cavitation can lead to a decrease in the efficiency of a hydraulic system through several interrelated mechanisms:

  1. Air Bubbles Reduce Fluid Flow: The presence of vapor bubbles formed by cavitation within the hydraulic fluid disturbs its flow. This results in a reduction of the fluid's effective mass flow rate, meaning less fluid is available to perform work.

  2. Impaired Pump Performance: Cavitation can negatively impact the pump's ability to create a high-pressure offload, which is necessary for its correct function. The consistent presence of vapor bubbles reduces the effective displacement of the pump and thus, its output flow and pressure.

  3. Energy Loss: The energy used to form cavitation bubbles is eventually lost when the bubbles collapse, leading to decreased overall energy efficiency of the system.

  4. Component Damage and Maintenance: The collapse of cavitation bubbles can cause microjets that erode the surface of system components over time. This wear and tear require more frequent maintenance, downtime, and replacement parts, all of which impair system efficiency.

By disrupting both the flow and pressure of the hydraulic fluid, and causing damage to components, cavitation can significantly decrease the overall performance and service life of a hydraulic system.

Long-term cavitation in a hydraulic system can lead to increased and more frequent maintenance requirements for various component parts. Here are the main effects:

  1. Component Erosion: Cavitation causes the formation of bubbles in the hydraulic fluid. When these bubbles collapse, they release a high-energy jet of fluid that can cause pitting or erosion on the surfaces of nearby components. This can lead to significant wear and tear over time and might require parts to be replaced more frequently than usual.

  2. Increased Oil Changes: The heat generated by cavitation can degrade the hydraulic fluid faster than normal, necessitating more frequent oil changes to maintain system performance.

  3. Regular System Flushing: Cavitation can introduce debris into the hydraulic fluid from the damaged components, increasing the need for regular system flushing.

  4. Frequent Inspections: Due to the increased risk of component failure, more frequent inspections may be needed to identify and correct issues before they result in system downtime.

  5. Frequent Adjustments: Cavitation is often caused by problems elsewhere in the hydraulic system, such as blockages or poorly adjusted valves. These issues might require regular adjustments to prevent cavitation from recurring.

In the worst-case scenario, the cost of dealing with cavitation damage can become more expensive than the cost of an entirely new pump or even a new hydraulic system. Therefore, it's always advisable to use preventative maintenance measures to mitigate the risks of cavitation.

To mitigate the risk of cavitation in a hydraulic system, there are several preventive measures one can take:

  1. Maintain Fluid Levels: Always keep the hydraulic fluid at the recommended level. Low fluid levels can easily lead to cavitation as the pump starts to draw in air along with the fluid.

  2. Air Removal: Ensure no air enters the system during operation. Air can cause the fluid to foam, leading to cavitation.

  3. Appropriate Fluid Viscosity: Make sure that the hydraulic fluid used is of the correct viscosity. If the fluid is too thick, it can restrict flow and increase the risk of cavitation. Likewise, if the fluid is too thin it won't provide good cavitation resistance.

  4. System Design: Proper hydraulic system design and setup are crucial to prevent cavitation. This includes ensuring correct pipe diameter, length, bends, using right components etc.

  5. Regular Inspection and Maintenance: Regularly inspecting components and doing necessary maintenance can help catch early signs of cavitation damage. Look for signs of pitting on components, changes in system performance, unusual noise etc.

  6. Avoid High Temperatures: Keeping the hydraulic fluid cool is necessary as high temperatures can lead to lower fluid density and thus contribute to cavitation. Make sure the system is properly cooled.

  7. Proper Pumping Speed: Ensure that the hydraulic pump operates at the manufacturer’s recommended speed. Operating the pump at too high a speed for an extended time can induce cavitation.

  8. Maintain Appropriate Pressure: Keep the system correctly pressurized according to system requirements. Both over-pressurization and under-pressurization can lead to cavitation.

By following these measures, one can significantly reduce the risks of cavitation, thereby improving the reliability and lifespan of a hydraulic system.

Maintaining appropriate pressure in a hydraulic system is key to preventing cavitation for several reasons:

  1. Avoids Vapor Bubble Formation: Cavitation essentially starts when the pressure in a pump falls below the vapor pressure of the hydraulic fluid, causing it to vaporize and form bubbles. These bubbles implode when they are subjected again to higher pressures, causing damaging shock waves. By properly managing and maintaining the pressure above the vapor pressure of the fluid, the initial formation of these vapor bubbles can be prevented.

  2. Ensures Proper Fluid Flow: Maintaining appropriate pressure ensures uninterrupted and adequate fluid flow in the system. A sudden drop in pressure in any part of the system will not only reduce the force output but might also foster the conditions for cavitation to occur.

  3. Prevents System Overload: Too high pressure can be problematic as well. Besides causing excessive wear and tear, it might create a situation where the load demands of a system exceed the capacity of the pump, which in turn, may draw in more liquid volume than what's available, leading to a low-pressure condition and hence, cavitation.

  4. Maintains Pump Performance: Pumps are designed to operate within a specified range of pressures for optimal performance. If the pressures fall out of this range, it can compromise the efficiency of the pump, change the fluid dynamics, and lead to conditions which encourage cavitation.

Thus, regular monitoring and maintenance of system pressure can significantly decrease the probability of cavitation occurring within a hydraulic system.

Ensuring uninterrupted fluid flow by maintaining proper pressure in a hydraulic system is paramount for multiple reasons:

  1. Efficiency of the System: The overall efficiency of a hydraulic system relies heavily on fluid flow. If the flow is interrupted due to drops in pressure, it might lead to inefficient operation of the system or even system failure.

  2. Operational Speed and Power: The speed and power of the hydraulic system's operation depend largely on fluid flow and system pressure. Any inconsistencies can affect the system's performance, causing components to slow down, lose force, or even stop.

  3. Preventing Cavitation: As mentioned before, drops in pressure can cause cavitation where vapor bubbles are formed and then collapse. This creates shock waves which can cause significant harm to the components and lead to system breakdown. Maintaining pressure ensures fluid flow isn't interrupted, thereby preventing cavitation.

  4. Component Wear and Tear: Consistent fluid flow reduces wear and tear on hydraulic pump and motor components. Pressure drops might lead to inconsistent fluid flow, thereby causing excessive wear and tear on these components.

  5. System Temperatures: Proper fluid flow ensures that the system's temperature is properly regulated. Poor flow could lead to issues such as overheating and could impact the overall performance and longevity of the system.

In short, maintaining proper pressure for uninterrupted fluid flow in a hydraulic system keeps it operating smoothly, optimally, and extends the life span of its components.


Pressure drops in a hydraulic system can have several negative consequences. Here are a few key issues that can arise:

  1. Decrease in System Performance: The power of a hydraulic system is directly related to its pressure. A drop in pressure can lead to a decrease in the force or lift that a system generates. This can reduce the operational speed and productivity of the system.

  2. Cavitation Damage: A noticeable drop in pressure can lead to cavitation, where the hydraulic fluid forms bubbles that can implode and create shock waves. These shock waves can cause significant damage to the internal parts of the system such as the pump, leading to pitting, erosion and premature failure.

  3. System Overheating: If the pressure drops significantly, the flow rate of the hydraulic fluid can be affected resulting in increased system temperature as the heat isn't dissipated effectively. Overheating can result in damage to seals and other components, and also degrade the hydraulic fluid more quickly.

  4. Increased Wear and Tear: With pressure drops, components within the system must work harder to maintain performance, leading to increased wear and tear. This can shorten the life span of these components and the overall system.

  5. Inconsistent Operation: Pressure drops can lead to inconsistent operations of cylinders and motors resulting in jerky movements, a lack of smoothness, or inaccurate positioning in tasks that require precision.

  6. Increased Maintenance Costs: Frequent pressure drops can lead to increased maintenance costs as components fail prematurely or require more frequent service.

Overall, maintaining consistent pressure is essential for the efficient, smooth, and cost-effective operation of any hydraulic system.

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