A Brief Introduction of LEEMIN Filter

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Leemin Filter, officially known as China Leemin Hydraulic Co., Ltd, is a leading manufacturer and distributor of hydraulic filters and other related products. The company was established in 1984 and has since grown to become a reputable enterprise in the hydraulic industry.

Leemin Filter specializes in the production of a wide range of hydraulic products, including hydraulic air filters, accumulators, level controllers, coolers, and more. The company is particularly known for its hydraulic filter series, which includes various types of oil filters designed to protect and enhance the performance of hydraulic systems.

Leemin Filter is committed to maintaining high standards of quality and performance in its products. The company's filter elements are tested according to ISO 2943, ensuring they meet international standards.

The company's products are used in a wide range of applications across various industries. For instance, in the textile industry, Leemin filters are used for the purification and drawing process of polyester melt. In the electronics and pharmaceutical industries, Leemin filters are used in the treatment of reverse osmosis water, deionized water, and for washing liquids.

In conclusion, Leemin Filter is a well-established and respected manufacturer in the hydraulic industry, providing high-quality products that cater to a wide range of industrial needs.


The construction and working principle of a Leemin oil filter are as follows:

The Leemin oil filter is typically composed of several key components:

Filter Housing: This is the outer structure that holds the internal components.

Filter Element: This is the crucial part that performs the actual filtration. It's typically made from materials like glass fiber, stainless steel wire mesh, wood pulp filter paper, and others, depending on the specific model of the filter. The filter element is designed to trap and remove contaminants from the oil.

Seals: These ensure that the oil flows only through the filter element and not around it.

Bypass Valve: This is a safety feature that allows oil to bypass the filter if it becomes clogged, ensuring the continuous flow of oil.

Working Principle:
The working principle of a Leemin oil filter revolves around the concept of filtration. Here's a simple step-by-step process:

The oil enters the filter through the inlet under pressure (usually from a pump).

It then passes through the filter element where contaminants are trapped.

The filtered oil exits the filter through the outlet and is directed towards the machinery or system that requires clean oil.

Over time, as the filter element traps more and more contaminants, it may become clogged. When the pressure differential across the filter element reaches a certain point, the bypass valve will open, allowing the oil to bypass the filter element. This ensures that oil continues to flow to the machinery or system, albeit unfiltered, preventing damage that could occur from oil starvation.

Leemin oil filters are known for their high filtration efficiency and durability, making them a preferred choice for various industries. It's important to note that the specifics of the construction and working principle might vary slightly depending on the particular model of the Leemin oil filter.

Leemin filters are widely used across various industries due to their high efficiency and reliability. Here are some key areas of application:

Hydraulic Systems: Leemin filters are commonly used in hydraulic systems to filter out impurities from the hydraulic oil, ensuring the smooth operation of the system.

Industrial Machinery: Leemin filters are used in various types of industrial machinery, including construction machinery, mining equipment, and power generation equipment, to keep their oil clean and extend equipment lifespan.

Automotive Industry: Leemin filters are used in automotive applications to filter engine oil, transmission fluid, and fuel, improving vehicle performance and longevity.

Oil and Gas Industry: In the oil and gas industry, Leemin filters are used in various processes, including drilling, refining, and transportation, to ensure the purity of oil and gas products.

Electronics Industry: In the electronics industry, Leemin filters are used in the production of semiconductors, where ultra-pure water is required.

Environmental Protection: Leemin filters are also used in wastewater treatment plants to filter out contaminants from water, contributing to environmental protection efforts.

Food and Beverage Industry: Leemin filters are used in the food and beverage industry to purify water, filter edible oils, and remove impurities from beverages.

These are just a few examples, and the use of Leemin filters extends to many other sectors as well, including the pharmaceutical, chemical, and textile industries, among others.


The technical parameters of a Leemin oil filter element may vary depending on the specific model. However, the general parameters often include:

Material: Leemin oil filter elements are often made from HV fiberglass, Ahistrom filter paper, or stainless steel wire mesh.

Filter Accuracy: This refers to the size of the particles that the filter can effectively trap and ranges from 1 to 200 micrometers (μm) depending on the specific model.

Working Pressure: This refers to the pressure level that the filter can tolerate during operation.

Working Temperature: Leemin oil filter elements can typically operate within a temperature range of -20℃ to 160℃.

Filter Media: This refers to the type of fluid that the filter is designed to purify. Leemin oil filter elements are often designed to filter hydraulic oil, mineral oil, lubricating oil, gear oil, and phosphate ester hydraulic oil.

Replacement: Leemin provides replacement oil filter elements which can be swapped out when the original filter becomes too clogged with contaminants.

Remember, these are general parameters and the specifics will depend on the exact model of the Leemin oil filter element. Always refer to the product manual for precise technical parameters.

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