Introducing Our High-Performance PLF Series Pressure Pipeline Filters

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Meet our advanced PLF Series Pressure Pipeline Filters — engineered impeccably to keep your hydraulic systems in their peak condition.

These filters have been specifically designed to be installed on pressure pipelines with various pressure levels, ensuring impeccable filtration of mechanical impurities mixed in with hydraulic oil, as well as impurities caused by chemical changes of the hydraulic oil itself. Their efficiency makes them especially suitable for automatic control systems and servo systems.


By eliminating harmful pollutants, our filters prevent high-precision control elements and execution elements from premature wear or obstruction. In effect, the PLF series filters reduce system faults and extend the service life of vital components, ensuring a smoothly running operation for longer.

Taking pride in the filter element's composition, they're crafted from sturdy chemical fibers. This offers the unbeatable advantages of high filtration accuracy and a large oil-passing capacity. Notably, these filters deliver a small original pressure loss and high pollutant carrying capacity. They are calibrated by absolute filtration accuracy, with a filtration ratioβ3,5,10,20≥200, and filtration efficiency N≥99.5%, proudly in line with ISO standards.

Our PLF series filters are versatile and can be widely applied in hydraulic systems such as heavy machinery, mining machinery, and metallurgical machinery. They are adept at filtering water and ethylene glycol in hydraulic oil, making them an indispensable tool in these industries.

Notable performance characteristics of the PLF series filters include a compact structure despite the same flow filter, a wide pressure range, and the convenience of changing the filter element. Users can safely open the upper cover and replace the filter element according to the installation space, or unscrew the shell (make sure to drain the oil first) and remove the filter element from below.

Installation and fixation are a breeze as well even under challenging conditions — just remove the four screws on the cover and rotate the cover 180 degrees to change the flow direction of the medium. To top it all, the filter comes equipped with a bypass valve and differential pressure signal device for dual protection. When the filter element is blocked to the point where the inlet and outlet pressure difference reaches the set value of the transmitter, it sends a signal, indicating that it's time to replace the filter element.

Embrace the future of efficient filtration with our PLF series pressure pipeline filters and ensure the prolonged lifespan and optimal performance of your machinery. Choose smart, choose the PLF Series. Your machinery will thank you.

The PLF series pressure pipeline filters are designed with a broad range of applications in mind. The versatility and high performance of these filters allow them to cater to various industries such as:

  1. Machining Operations: In the machining and manufacturing sector, these filters can be used to keep hydraulic systems used in equipment running smoothly by ensuring hydraulic fluids remain impurity-free.

  2. Metallurgical Industry: In metallurgy, where machinery often encounters high temperatures and harsh conditions, these filters can help manage hydraulic systems to prevent premature wear or blockages, enhancing the durability and efficiency of machines used in metal processing.

  3. Petrochemical Industry: These filters can be invaluable in the petrochemical sector, helping to filter out impurities in hydraulic systems used in the processing and production of petrochemicals, thus reducing the chances of system breakdowns and maintaining the quality of the end product.

  4. Textile Industry: In textile mills, the hydraulic systems used in various machinery can benefit from these filters, enhancing performance by ensuring clean hydraulic fluids, leading to better product output and longer machine life.

  5. Electronics Industry: Precision is key in the electronics industry, and these filters can help prevent system faults, maintaining the robustness and longevity of sophisticated, electronically controlled hydraulic systems used in the assembly and production process.

  6. Pharmaceutical Industry: Maintaining the integrity of hydraulic systems is critical in the pharmaceutical industry as well. These filters can ensure that these systems run efficiently and without pollution, reducing the risk of accidental contamination of sensitive pharmaceutical products.

  7. Heavy Machinery, Mining and Metallurgical Machinery: These sectors often involve equipment working under severe conditions. The filters can be applied in such hydraulic systems to prolong their lifespans and keep the machines operating smoothly and safely.

These are just a few examples of the wide range of industries that could greatly benefit from integrating PLF series pressure pipeline filters into their hydraulic systems.


The PLF series pressure pipeline filters play a crucial role in improving the performance and efficiency of hydraulic systems across various industries. Here's how:

  1. Maintaining Purity of Hydraulic Fluids: By purging hydraulic fluids of mechanical impurities and chemical changes, these filters keep the hydraulic fluids cleaner, which helps ensure efficient operation of hydraulic systems and prolongs their service life.

  2. Protecting Components: These filters protect high-precision control elements and execution elements from premature wear or getting stuck due to pollution, reducing fault incidences and increasing system reliability. This prevention of unnecessary wear and tear results in reduced maintenance downtime and repair costs.

  3. High Filtration Accuracy: With high filtration accuracy, the risk of system contamination is significantly reduced. The filter is designed to remove the smallest particulates that could otherwise cause blockages in the system.

  4. Large Oil-Passing Capacity: The filters offer a large oil passing capacity, ensuring they can handle high volumes of oil without causing back-pressure or system slowdowns. This is particularly important in industries where high-capacity hydraulic systems are commonplace.

  5. Adaptable to Various Pressure Levels: The filters are crafted to be installed on pressure pipelines with different pressure levels. This flexibility allows them to function effectively across a range of hydraulic systems with varying pressure requirements.

  6. Efficient Signal Device: The filters are equipped with a smart differential pressure signal device. This device sends a signal when the filter element is blocked to the point where it needs to be replaced, preventing any compromise in the operating efficiency due to a saturated or blocked filter.

  7. Ease of Maintenance: They are designed for easy filter element replacement, which ensures minimal downtime and does not disrupt the system's operation.

  8. Versatility in Applications: Aside from their primary function, they are versatile, designed for use with a variety of substances beyond hydraulic oil, including water and ethylene glycol.

In these ways, the PLF series pressure pipeline filters contribute significantly to enhancing the performance and efficiency of hydraulic systems in various industries.

The smart differential pressure signal device in the PLF series pressure pipeline filters is an integral part of the system. This feature provides a real-time tracking mechanism of the filter's operational status, ensuring that the system continues to run smoothly.

Here are some key features of this smart differential pressure signal device:

  1. Real-Time Monitoring: The device vigilantly monitors the differential pressure levels across the filter. In doing so, it provides an ongoing assessment of the condition of the filter element, allowing users to understand instantly when the filter begins to reach its saturation point.

  2. Notification System: The device is emotioned to send a signal when the difference between the inlet and outlet pressure reaches a pre-set value, indicating that the filter medium is blocked or nearing saturation. This early warning system ensures timely maintenance, which can prevent future complications, ensuring that the system continues to function optimally.

  3. Protection Mechanism: Apart from serving as a monitoring and notification device, it also provides a protective shield for the filter. If the filter becomes too clogged for the system to function properly, the device triggers a bypass valve to open. This feature allows the hydraulic fluid to bypass the filter, preventing system failure due to excessive pressure buildup, hence ensuring the hydraulic system's continuous operation.

  4. Promotes Preventive Maintenance: By providing earlier warnings, the device promotes proactive, preventive maintenance as opposed to reactive maintenance. This can extend the service life of both the filter and the entire hydraulic system, resulting in cost savings in the long term.

In a nutshell, the smart differential pressure signal device in the PLF series pressure pipeline filters is a feature that enhances the filter's efficiency, ensures safety, minimizes maintenance downtime, and prolongs the service life of the entire hydraulic system.

The smart differential pressure signal device in the PLF series pressure pipeline filters is essentially tasked with monitoring the difference in pressure levels between the filter's inlet and outlet, also known as the differential pressure.

The hydraulic fluid that enters the filter carries with it a certain amount of impurities. As the fluid flows through the filter element, the impurities get trapped, and clean hydraulic fluid exits from the other side. Now, when the filter is new or clean, there's minimal resistance to the flow of hydraulic fluid, and the differential pressure is low.

As the filter begins to accumulate particulate matter and impurities (i.e., as it starts to get clogged), it provides more resistance to the flow of hydraulic fluid. This increasing resistance means that the pressure at the outlet of the filter begins to drop relative to the inlet pressure. In other words, the differential pressure across the filter starts to increase.

The smart differential pressure signal device continuously monitors this differential pressure across the filter. When the differential pressure reaches a certain pre-set threshold, it indicates that the filter element has trapped enough impurities and is nearing saturation or might already be blocked. At this point, the signal device triggers an alert, notifying the maintenance personnel to replace the filter element.

In essence, by constantly monitoring the differential pressure across the filter, the smart differential pressure device provides a practical and efficient way to assess the filter element's condition in real-time.

The pre-set threshold for triggering an alert in the smart differential pressure signal device is usually determined by the filter manufacturer, based on extensive testing and performance data of the filter. It's a key specification provided when you purchase the filter.

In determining this threshold, several factors are considered:

  1. Filter Material and Design: Different filter elements can handle different amounts of contamination before becoming blocked. The specific design of the filter element (like its porosity, surface area, etc.) and the type of material used (like glass fiber, wire mesh, etc.) significantly influences this threshold.

  2. System Operating Pressure: The normal operating pressure of the hydraulic system in which the filter is installed is another factor. Higher operating pressures can push more contaminants into the filter element in a shorter time.

  3. Flow Rate: The flow rate of the hydraulic fluid is also important. Higher flow rates can lead to faster clogging of the filter.

  4. Contamination Level: The amount and type of contamination in the system fluid also influence this threshold.

  5. Filter Efficiency: The efficiency of a filter is measured by its ability to remove a certain size of particulates from the hydraulic fluid. Filters designed to be more efficient (i.e., remove smaller particles) will reach their contamination capacity faster than less efficient ones.

Given these variables, there is no universal pre-set threshold for all filters. It depends on the specifics of the filter and the system it is being used in. However, it is designed to provide an indication well before the filter is so clogged that it starts affecting hydraulic system performance. Therefore, correct regular maintenance based on these alerts can prevent system downtimes and maintain the overall efficiency of the system.

The frequency of monitoring the filter largely depends on several factors including the type of hydraulic system, the operating conditions, the cleanliness of the hydraulic fluid used, and the system's overall workload.

As a general rule, it's always beneficial to establish a regular maintenance schedule for your system, including filter checks.

  1. For Heavy-Duty Operations: In systems operating under harsh conditions or heavy-duty operations (for example, in heavy manufacturing or construction), it's not uncommon to check the filter daily or every couple of days.

  2. For Moderate Conditions: For systems that operate under normal or moderate conditions, weekly to bi-weekly checks could be sufficient.

  3. For Light Operations: In a less demanding environment or lighter operations with clean operating conditions and high-quality hydraulic fluids, the filter condition might only need to be checked monthly.

However, thanks to the smart differential pressure signal device in the PLF series pressure pipeline filters, it becomes much simpler to monitor the filter's condition in real-time, without having to manually inspect it frequently. This device monitors the condition for you and sends you a signal or an alert once the filter reaches its predetermined threshold indicating that it needs to be serviced.

Utilizing such smart monitoring devices also allow you to transition from a time-based maintenance schedule to a condition-based one, where maintenance tasks are performed only when necessary, thus optimizing the filter usage and reducing costs.

Remember, timely maintenance and replacement of filters based on the differential pressure readings would increase the longevity of the system and improve the overall performance and efficiency of the system.


Always follow the manufacturer's instructions on maintenance schedules and procedures to ensure the efficient operation of the system and to extend its operational lifespan.

The frequency of monitoring the filter in a hydraulic system can be influenced by several factors:

  1. System Load: Systems that are under a heavy load or working in demanding conditions may require more frequent monitoring than systems under lighter loads. High load conditions tend to introduce more contaminants into the system, which can clog the filter more quickly.

  2. Operating Environment: The environment in which the system operates can also play a significant role. If the system operates in a dusty or dirty environment, there might be more contaminants in the air that could enter the system and increase the frequency of filter monitoring.

  3. Quality of the Hydraulic Fluid: The cleanliness of the hydraulic fluid used impacts how often the filter should be checked. Cleaner fluids obviously keep the filter cleaner for a longer period, decreasing the frequency of monitoring required.

  4. History of the System: If a system has a history of frequent clogs and other issues, it may need to be monitored more closely.

  5. Type of Filter: Some filters may require more frequent checks than others. For example, a finer filter that removes smaller particles may become clogged faster than a coarse one.

  6. Age and Condition of the System: Older systems or those in poor overall condition may require more attentive monitoring.

  7. Manufacturer's Recommendation: The manufacturer may recommend a specific monitoring frequency based on the design and performance characteristics of the filter and the system.

Remember, regular monitoring helps prevent unexpected system downtime, ensures optimal system operation, and extends the life of the hydraulic system. It's always better to check too often rather than not enough.

The operating environment can significantly influence the frequency at which a hydraulic system's filter should be monitored. If the hydraulic system is operating in an environment with lots of dirt, dust, or other contaminants, these particles can get into the system and clog the filter more quickly. As a result, frequent inspections and potential replacements are necessary to prevent blockage and maintain optimum performance.

Here are specifics on how different environments can affect filter monitoring:

  1. Dusty or Dirty Environments: Factories, construction sites, mines, or other operations that produce a lot of dust or dirt can lead to an increased rate of filter clogging. In such cases, the filter should be checked more often.

  2. Wet or Humid Environments: Moisture can cause a range of issues, including filter media damage and the promotion of rust or other forms of corrosion inside the system. The filter must be inspected regularly to ensure it's functioning properly.

  3. High Temperature Environments: Filters operating in high temperatures might need more frequent checks, as high heat can cause the filter material to degrade faster, and also thin out the hydraulic oil, causing a higher volume of contaminants to be carried to the filter.

  4. Chemical Exposure: In environments where the hydraulic system or filter is exposed to certain chemicals, the filter medium might also degrade faster or get contaminated more quickly.

Therefore, in less than ideal operating environments, it's crucial to have a more aggressive filter inspection and maintenance schedule to keep the hydraulic system running smoothly. However, with advancements in technology, there are now intelligent devices that can continuously monitor and report the state of the filter, minimizing the need for frequent manual inspections.

High temperatures can introduce several challenges when it comes to filter monitoring in hydraulic systems.

  1. Accelerated Degradation: Elevated temperatures can speed up the degradation of the filter media. This means that the filter might need to be replaced more frequently, and therefore, should be monitored more closely to prevent unexpected system downtime.

  2. Thinner Hydraulic Fluid: Typically, as the temperature increases, the viscosity of the hydraulic fluid decreases. This means the fluid becomes thinner and flows more easily, potentially carrying a larger amount of particulates and contaminants to the filter. This can lead to increased filter clogging and a higher need for filter replacement.

  3. Greater Oxidation Rates of the Fluid: Higher temperature can increase the oxidation rate of the hydraulic fluid, leading to acid formation, increased viscosity, and varnish deposits. Contaminants from oxidized oil can lodge in the filter, reducing its efficiency.

  4. Compromised Seals and Gaskets: High temperatures can also affect the seals and gaskets that are integral parts of the filter assembly. If these components are compromised, unfiltered fluid might bypass the filter altogether, which can lead to damage in the hydraulic system components the filter is designed to protect.

  5. Decreased Efficiency: Certain filter media have a maximum operating temperature and their efficiency may get severely impacted if consistently exposed to higher temperatures.

Due to these potential challenges, it's crucial to monitor filters in high-temperature environments more closely and perform maintenance tasks as needed. Also, using filters and filter materials suitable for high-temperature use, appropriate hydraulic fluid, and ensuring the system is well ventilated or cooled can help alleviate some of these issues. As always, follow the manufacturer's guidelines for maintenance and inspection.

Seals and gaskets in a hydraulic system exposed to high temperatures can indeed be compromised, affecting the overall productivity of the system. Here are some preventative measures that can be taken:

  1. Use High-Temperature Resistant Seals and Gaskets: Opt for seals and gaskets that are specifically designed to withstand high temperatures. Materials such as silicone, Viton, and some forms of synthetic rubber have excellent high-temperature resistance.

  2. Regular Inspection and Maintenance: Regular inspection of seals and gaskets can help detect any initial signs of wear, tear, hardening, or cracking due to high temperature. By replacing compromised components promptly, the risk of damage to the entire system can be minimized.

  3. Proper System Cooling: Implementing appropriate cooling mechanisms can help manage high temperatures within the system. This could be a built-in system cooler or external cooling units depending on the nature and size of the hydraulic system.

  4. Appropriate Fluid Selection: Using a hydraulic fluid with a high viscosity index and a high-temperature range can help achieve optimum efficiency at higher temperatures. The fluid should maintain its lubricating properties even at high temperatures to protect the seals and gaskets.

  5. Optimal System Operation: Avoid running the system continuously at its maximum capacity or in high-temperature conditions. Regular breaks can allow the system to cool down, reducing the overall thermal stress on the seals and gaskets.

  6. Follow Manufacturer's Specifications: Always follow the manufacturer's specifications for the maximum operating temperatures and pressure thresholds.

By implementing these measures, the longevity of the seals and gaskets, and therefore the entire hydraulic system, can be vastly improved, leading to less downtime and higher operational efficiency.

High temperatures in a hydraulic system can accelerate the wear and tear on seals and gaskets. Here are several common signs that these components might be damaged:

  1. Leaking Fluid: Probably the most common indicator. If the seal or gasket is damaged, the hydraulic fluid may leak from the system. This could be visible on the exterior of the machinery or result in a noticeable drop in fluid levels.

  2. Hardening and Brittleness: Exposure to high temperatures can cause seals and gaskets to harden and become brittle over time. If the seal material feels harder than normal, or if it breaks or crumbles easily, these are signs of heat damage.

  3. Discoloration: Overheating can cause discoloration of the seal or gasket. Darkening spots or overall change in color can be an indication that the component has been exposed to high temperatures for an extended period.

  4. Loss of Elasticity: If the seals lose their elasticity and do not return to their original shape after being deformed, this suggests they have been affected by high temperatures.

  5. System Performance Issues: If the hydraulic system is not performing as efficiently as it should or is behaving inconsistently, this could be a sign that the seals or gaskets are damaged and possibly leaking fluid.

  6. Cracks or Tears: Check for any visible changes, such as cracks, tears, or deformations. These are clear signs of damage.

If you suspect that a seal or gasket may be compromised, it's best to perform a thorough inspection or replacement to prevent further damage to the hydraulic system. Remember, preventative maintenance is always better than repairing after a failure.

Using seals and gaskets that have become hard and brittle due to high temperature exposure can lead to several problematic consequences in a hydraulic system:

  1. Leakage: The most immediate consequence is the potential for fluid leakage. Brittle seals and gaskets are more likely to fail, allowing hydraulic fluid to bypass or leak from the system, leading to insufficient fluid levels for efficient operation.

  2. System-wide Damage: With the sealing features compromised, unfiltered fluid might bypass the filter, introducing contaminants into the system. This can cause wear and potentially severe damage to other system components.

  3. Reduced System Efficiency: Leaks and contamination can reduce the hydraulic system's efficiency. The system might increasingly struggle to maintain the needed pressures and volumes, affecting its performance and output.

  4. Increased Maintenance Costs: The need for frequent replacements and repairs due to seal or gasket failure can lead to increased operational costs and system downtime.

  5. Safety Risks: Major leaks or system failures due to compromised seals or gaskets can create unsafe working conditions. This is especially true in systems that operate at high pressures or in critical applications.

For these reasons, it's vital to regularly inspect your hydraulic system and replace any seals or gaskets that show signs of hardening or brittleness due to heat exposure. Always ensure that the seals and gaskets used in the system are designed to withstand the operating temperatures of your specific application.

The hardness and brittleness of seals and gaskets due to high temperature exposure can often be detected through the following signs:

  1. Physical Inspection: The easiest and most immediate way to assess seal and gasket condition is through a physical inspection. If the material feels hard to the touch or lacks flexibility, it could be a sign that it has become brittle due to heat exposure.

  2. Cracks or Breaks: High temperatures can cause the formation of cracks or tears in the material. If you notice any visible cracks or the material breaks easily when manipulated, this could indicate brittleness.

  3. Discoloration: Heat can cause changes in the color of the seal or gasket material. If patches of the material appear darker than other areas, this could be a sign of heat damage.

  4. Loss of Elasticity: If the seals and gaskets have lost their elasticity and do not bounce back to their original shape after being compressed, this is a definite indication of hardening.

  5. Increased Friction: Hardened and brittle seals or gaskets may not provide sufficient sealing, which could result in increased friction between components. This can lead to inefficient system operation and overheating.

  6. Leakage: Hard and brittle seals are more likely to contribute to fluid leaks. If there is an unexplained loss of hydraulic fluid, or visible fluid on the exterior of the system, this could indicate a compromised seal or gasket.

These signs should be treated seriously, and any suspect seals or gaskets should be promptly replaced to prevent further system damage or failure. Regular inspection and maintenance is the best way to detect these issues early and mitigate any potential problems.

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