Application of backwash filter in heating system

Lefilter2024-04-28 BACK TO LIST

First, let’s understand what a backwash filter is. The backwash filter is a self-cleaning system. Its main working principle is to clean the filter in reverse regularly to remove sediments through countercurrent cleaning to ensure its cleaning effect and smooth operation. This filter is particularly useful when there are large amounts of impurities in the fluid and is unique in its ability to self-clean.

In heating systems, especially central heating systems, we need to ensure that the heating fluid (usually water) is as clean as possible, because impurities contained in the water may cause wear and even blockage to the pipes and equipment in the heating system. This will not only affect the heating effect, but may also cause safety hazards. At this time, the backwash filter can play an important role.

Specifically, in heating systems, backwash filters can effectively remove sand, soil, rust and other impurities in hot water, protecting subsequent valves, heat exchangers, pumps, etc. from damage by impurities. Meticulous filtration can ensure the normal operation of the heating system, improve energy efficiency, reduce the occurrence of failures, and reduce maintenance costs.

Not only that, the backwash function of this self-cleaning filter eliminates the need to shut down the heating system during the cleaning process, ensuring the continuity of heating and the cleaning effect of the filter. The backwashing process is automatic and can be performed at a set time or according to the pressure difference, thus ensuring the timeliness and effectiveness of cleaning.

To sum up, the backwash filter plays an important role in the heating system. It can not only solve the problem of impurities in the heating system and protect the equipment from damage, but also improve the efficiency of the system and reduce the cost of operation and maintenance. So, this is an ideal solution to ensure stable operation of your heating system.


How backwash filters work.

First, let’s understand the core components of a backwash filter. Generally speaking, the backwash filter mainly consists of four parts: housing, filter screen, backwash device and control device. The fluid first enters the filter housing and then passes through the filter screen for preliminary filtration. Large impurities will be blocked on the outside of the filter screen. At this time, the control device and backwash device are still in a static state.

During the normal filtration operation of the backwash filter, the fluid to be filtered enters from the inlet, and then passes through the filter screen installed inside the filter. The filter screen is made of different materials and density according to the needs. During this process, the impurity particles are intercepted by the filter screen, and the pure fluid flows out from the water outlet.

However, over time, impurity particles accumulate on the filter screen, which will cause the pressure difference between the inside and outside of the filter to increase. When the pressure difference reaches the set value, or when the timer in the filter reaches the preset time, the backwash device and control device will start.

After starting, the backwash valve of the backwash device opens, and part of the filtered clean water flows back into the backwash device. This part of the clean water will be guided to each backwash rod, and the pressure difference drives the nozzle or brush in the backwash rod to rotate and move longitudinally along the inner wall of the filter to achieve comprehensive cleaning of the inner and outer surfaces of the filter mesh tube.

Through the backwash device, the impurities on the filter screen are taken away and discharged from the filter through the sewage outlet to complete the cleaning process. This process does not require stopping the filter, so it is called backwashing. At this time, the control device will close the backwash valve and complete a backwash cleaning.

Since backwashing and normal filtration can be performed at the same time and will not stop the work of the filter, backwashing the filter improves filtration efficiency to a great extent and reduces the frequency and intensity of maintenance. Therefore, its wide range of applications can be seen whether in industrial production or in daily life.

Through the above introduction, I hope you have a deeper understanding of the working principle of the backwash filter. If you have any questions or need more detailed information, feel free to ask me any questions.


Various components of the backwash filter:

Shell: The shell is the outermost structure of the filter and is usually made of corrosion-resistant, high-pressure-resistant material, such as stainless steel or carbon steel. The housing must be of sufficient strength and thickness to withstand all types of pressures and external forces to which the filter is subjected during operation. The shell is provided with a water inlet, a water outlet and a sewage outlet. In addition, there are necessary supporting and fixing devices for installing the filter and backwash system and other components located inside the shell.

Filter: The filter is usually embedded inside the housing and is responsible for intercepting and filtering particulate impurities in the fluid flowing through the filter. The shape, size, material and pore size selection of the filter are all customized according to the filtration requirements. Whether you are dealing with liquids or gases, the filter is a vital component that can capture and effectively filter out impurity particles of various sizes.

Backwash system: The backwash system usually includes a backwash valve and a certain backwash mechanism, such as brushes or nozzles. The backwash valve is a key device used to change the direction of the fluid. When the backwash process begins, it opens, allowing clean filtered water to flow back into the filter. The backwash mechanism using a brush or nozzle is responsible for cleaning the filter under high pressure to help remove impurities attached to the filter.

Control device: usually includes core components such as differential pressure converters, timers and control valves. The pressure difference converter can detect the pressure difference before and after filtration to evaluate the degree of contamination of the filter. Once the level of contamination is too high, or the timer expires, the control device triggers the backwash process. At the same time, the control device will also adjust the system to return to the normal state after the backwash is completed.

Water inlet and outlet: The water inlet is the part connected to the pipeline of the fluid to be filtered, and the water outlet is responsible for introducing the filtered clean fluid to the next stage of the system. The design and size of these two parts need to be flexibly selected according to the use environment and processing flow of the filter.

Sewage outlet: This is an important part, responsible for discharging waste, sludge, etc. generated during the backwash process out of the filter to ensure the cleanliness of the inside of the filter.

Each component plays an important role in its design and is critical to the smooth operation of the backwash filter. Since these filters are self-cleaning, the time and labor required to replace and clean the filter can be greatly reduced, making them very convenient and economical to use in industrial production. At the same time, because they can provide continuous uninterrupted filtration services and good filtration quality, they are widely used in various occasions that require filtration treatment, such as water supply, wastewater treatment and other fields. I hope this information is helpful and that you have a better understanding of backwash filters.


The backwash valve is a key component in the backwash system. As a device that switches between normal filtration and backwash states, its working principle is very important. The working principle of the backwash valve will be explained in detail below:

Normal filtration state: When the filter starts working, the backwash valve and other valves will be open. At this time, the water flow enters from the inlet of the filter, filters through the filter screen, and then the clean water flows out from the outlet. During this process, the filter traps impurities and suspended solids in the water.

Detect pressure difference or trigger timer: When the pressure difference between the inlet and outlet of the filter reaches the preset value, or the timing controller reaches the preset time, the control device will start and issue instructions.

Trigger the backwash valve: Once the command is received, the backwash valve will close, causing the water flow to be unable to flow out through the normal outlet, but must go through another path for reverse flow. At this time, the water flow will flow back from the outlet through filtered clean water. At the same time, closing the valve will also reduce the flow of water into the system.

Start the backwash process: When the backwash valve is closed, part of the clean water flows back into the filter and flushes the filter screen through high pressure. The impurity particles are washed down and taken away by the high-pressure water flow, and finally discharged from the filter through the sewage outlet.

End the backwash process: When the backwash is completed and all impurity particles have been discharged, the control device will issue instructions to open the backwash valve and return the entire filtration system to normal filtration status.

The above is the detailed working process of the backwash valve. In this way, the backwash valve plays a vital role in backwashing the filter. Its design and operating principle allow the filter to complete self-cleaning without shutting down, greatly improving the efficiency and stability of the filter's work. , and also greatly facilitates filter maintenance and upkeep.

In short, the working principle of the backwash valve is to change the direction of the water flow so that the filter can clean itself. This design provides guarantee for the smooth operation of the backwash system and also provides convenience for various projects that require filtration. If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask.


The process triggering of the backwash valve can be achieved by detecting the pressure difference between the inlet and outlet, or by a timer. This requires a complex control system to complete, which consists of three parts: a timer, a differential pressure sensor, and a control device for the backwash valve. Let me explain to you in detail how these components work and how they relate to each other:

Differential Pressure Sensor: This is a device used to monitor the difference in pressure between the inlet and outlet of the filter. The pressure difference sensor is generally connected to the inlet and outlet pipes of the filter. By measuring and comparing the pressure difference between the inlet and outlet in real time, the working status of the filter can be accurately understood. Once the pressure difference between the inlet and outlet of the filter exceeds the set threshold, it means that the impurities on the filter grid have reached a certain level and need to be backwashed. At this time, the pressure difference sensor will send a trigger signal to the control device.

Timer: In addition to triggering the backwash process through pressure difference, a timer is usually set in the backwash system for scheduled backwash. The timer can set the time interval for backwashing according to actual needs. When the set time arrives, even if the impurities on the filter have not reached the level of triggering the differential pressure sensor, the timer will still start and send a message to the control device to start backwashing. signal of. In this way, backwashing can be carried out regularly to avoid being unable to clean for a long time and affecting the filtration effect.

Control device: This is the component that connects the differential pressure sensor and timer and directly controls the opening and closing of the backwash valve. The control device will receive signals from the pressure difference sensor and timer in real time. Once any component sends a backwash trigger signal, the control device will start immediately, open the backwash valve, and perform the backwash process. After backwashing is completed, the control device will close the backwash valve and return to normal filtration status.

Overall, the working principle of this system is quite simple and clear: as long as the pressure difference between the filter inlet and outlet exceeds the set value, or reaches the backwash time set by the timer, the control device will receive a trigger signal and turn on the backwash. Flush valve for backwashing. This dynamic monitoring and adjustment process ensures the continuous and stable operation of the filtration system while maximizing filtration efficiency.

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