A Comprehensive Overview of the High Viscosity Oil Purifier - GLYC Series

Lefilter2024-04-29 BACK TO LIST

In a world that is ever-evolving with technology and innovation, it's crucial to have machinery that can keep up with this fast-paced change. One such significant innovation is the GLYC series High Viscosity Oil Purifier. This machine stands out by adeptly removing solid impurities and moisture from impure oil. It achieves this using pressure filtration or vacuum evaporation-pressure filtration. Its primary applications are to enhance the insulation performance of electrical oil and increase the purity of lubricating oil.

The GLYC series High Viscosity Oil Purifier is versatile with multiple applications. It is used to filter new oil, add and filter new oil, purifying oil in use, and provide bypass filtration when the hydraulic lubrication system is operational. This versatility ensures that this purifier can meet a wide range of user needs.


One impressive characteristic of this oil purifier is its special high-viscosity oil pump. This pump ensures the fluid is transported smoothly, without pulsation. Additionally, it operates with low noise and minimal vibration, giving it a strong self-priming ability. It's capable of filtering a range of corrosive media, making it particularly appropriate for high viscosity oil filling and filtration.

The purifier comes with an optional heating feature. This feature can be activated when the oil's temperature is too low or its viscosity is too large. The heater can heat the oil to a maximum temperature of 120°C, making the purifier suitable for use in cold environments or with high viscosity oils.

The GLYC series High Viscosity Oil Purifier is designed with safety as its highest priority. It is equipped with an overflow protection device on the pipeline to protect the hydraulic system’s safety effectively. Furthermore, it adopts thermal relay protection to prevent motor damage due to an overload.

In terms of filtration, the purifier uses a coarse filter at the oil suction port to protect the oil pump and extend the main filter's service life. For further precision, a fine filter is provided, and users can select different precisions according to their specific needs.

One stand-out feature of this oil purifier is its user-friendly design. The oil heater shell features a quick-opening structure, enabling swift and easy opening of the upper cover to change the filter element. The panel is equipped with a pressure gauge, constantly indicating the system's operational status and the filter element's pollution degree.

In conclusion, the GLYC series High Viscosity Oil Purifier is not just a machine; it embodies innovation, efficiency, and safety. It is the much-needed solution for various industries and applications, promising optimal functionality and longevity.

The special high-viscosity oil pump plays a central role in the smooth operation of the GLYC series High Viscosity Oil Purifier and offers numerous benefits.

  1. Efficient Fluid Conveyance: High-viscosity oils, due to their thicker consistency, require more energy and special pumps to effectively move the oil through the filtration system. The purifier's special pump is designed to handle this viscosity, ensuring that the oil flows smoothly through the entire purification process.

  2. Reduced Pulsation: Pulsation, or the fluctuation of fluid flow, can disrupt the smooth operation of a purifier. This special high-viscosity oil pump deals with pulsations, delivering a consistent and reliable flow rate, facilitating a stable filtration process.

  3. Low Noise and Vibration: High-powered pumps often generate a lot of noise and vibration, which can be disruptive. The special pump used in this purifier operates with low noise and little vibration, offering a quiet and smooth operation that is beneficial in maintaining a sound working environment.

  4. Strong self-priming ability: The pump's self-priming ability is critical as it allows the pump to remove air from the suction line and start pumping oil on its own without manual priming. This feature is beneficial in applications where air can be drawn into the suction line, causing pump damage or performance issues.

In essence, the special high-viscosity oil pump is key to the purifier's smooth and efficient operation, ensuring optimal fluid conveyance, reduced pulsation, low noise, and a strong self-priming capability.

The special high-viscosity oil pump integrated into the GLYC series High Viscosity Oil Purifier provides several substantial benefits.

  1. Handles High-Viscosity Oils: The pump is specifically designed to process high-viscosity oils. It facilitates efficient movement of these oils in the filtration system, where standard pumps may not perform well.

  2. Smooth and Consistent Operation: The pump operates smoothly, with minimal pulsation. This means a consistent flow of oil, which is essential for the efficient filtering of impurities and ensuring the overall performance of the oil purifier.

  3. Self-Priming Capability: The pump has a robust self-priming ability. This trait makes it capable of removing air from the oil without the need for manual priming, which contributes to the pump's reliable operation.

  4. Low Noise and Little Vibration: Despite its robust operation, the pump performs quietly with insignificant vibration. This feature makes it beneficial in maintaining a quiet and well-organized operational environment, reducing wear and tear on other components.

  5. Increased Longevity of System: By effectively handling high-viscosity oils with minimal wear and tear, the pump enhances the overall lifetime of the oil purifier system.

In summary, the special high-viscosity oil pump significantly augments the functionality, efficiency, and longevity of the GLYC series High Viscosity Oil Purifier, rendering it an advantageous addition in any high-viscosity oil fluid management system.

The low noise and little vibration feature of the high-viscosity oil pump plays a crucial role in augmenting the overall performance of the oil purifier system. Here's how:

  1. User Comfort: Operating with low noise levels contributes to a more comfortable and quiet work environment. This factor can greatly enhance user experience and the overall wellbeing of operators, which can indirectly influence productivity.

  2. Longevity of Components: A lesser amount of vibration extends the lifespan of mechanical parts in the oil purifier system. Heavy vibration can over time cause components to wear out or become damaged. With little vibration, parts last longer, reducing maintenance and replacement costs.

  3. Stability in Operation: Minimal vibration also implies more stable operation. Vibration can result in erratic movements that could disturb the filtration process. A stable operation ensures a consistent flow of oil and improves filtration efficacy.

  4. Measurement Accuracy: Vibration can impact the precision of measurements in equipment involving gauges or other forms of measurement. Lower vibrations allow for accurate readings, optimising the performance of the system.

  5. Decreased Noise Pollution: In addition to the direct benefits, operating quietly is more environmentally friendly, reducing noise pollution levels. This aspect is especially crucial in densely populated or sound-sensitive environments.

All these combined benefits contribute to improved system performance, reduced maintenance costs, enhanced user satisfaction, and consideration for the environmental impact.

The little vibration feature of the high-viscosity oil pump plays a significant role in extending the lifespan of the mechanical parts in the oil purifier system. Here's how it works:

  1. Reduced Wear and Tear: Continuous vibration can lead to frequent mechanical stress and strain on parts of the system. This regular pressure can cause faster wear and tear of the components. When the pump functions with minimal vibration, it reduces this mechanical stress, leading to less wear and therefore enhancing the lifespan of the parts.

  2. Less Friction: Constant vibration often results in friction among system components. Friction can generate heat and cause parts to break down or fail prematurely. With less vibration, fewer frictional forces are at play, reducing the likelihood of premature damage.

  3. Prevention of Loose Connections: Over time, the vibrations can also cause loosening of screwed or bolted connections, which could lead to both minor and major mechanical failures. Through maintaining less vibration, these risks are considerably reduced.

  4. Avoidance of Fatigue Failure: Each mechanical component has a fatigue limit. Exposing equipment to repetitive or high-level vibrations can lead to the material reaching its fatigue limit sooner, resulting in failure. A low-vibration environment prevents such failure, thereby extending component life.

  5. Reduction in Noise-related Damage: High-level vibrations usually accompany high noise levels. In some cases, these noise levels can exceed the safe threshold, causing damage to mechanical parts. Therefore, low vibration, which is often associated with lower noise production, can also help to protect components.


In summary, by reducing vibration, the high-viscosity oil pump ensures less mechanical stress, friction, wear and tear, and noise-related damage—each of which contributes to a longer lifespan for the individual components and the overall system.

Low vibration levels in the high-viscosity oil pump inherently contribute to lower noise levels, and in turn, reduce noise-related damage in the oil purifier system. This correlation can be explained as follows:

  1. Less Mechanical Stress: Vibrations cause mechanical parts to move, create friction, and collide with each other, which produces noise. When there is less vibration, there is less movement of parts, reducing friction and thus reducing noise. This also means there is less mechanical stress on the parts, reducing wear and tear.

  2. Reduced Harmonic Resonance: Every mechanical component has a natural frequency at which it vibrates. This vibration can produce noise and, when matched with the frequency of other system components, could cause resonance. The amplified resonant vibrations can result in intense sound waves, which could potentially result in structural damage. A pump that generates low vibration helps in minimizing the potential for such harmonic resonance.

  3. Lower Acoustic Energy: Noise-related damage often originates from the acoustic energy that is released when parts vibrate and collide. Lowering the vibration inherently decreases this acoustic energy, potentially minimizing material fatigue or damage caused by high-intensity sound waves.

  4. Fewer Vibrational Shocks: High level vibrations can lead to successive vibrational shocks, which can cause damage not just mechanically but also acoustically as each shock creates a burst of sound. Low level vibrations mean there are fewer such shocks, resulting in less noise and consequently less noise-related damage.

Overall, by keeping vibration to a minimum, the high-viscosity oil pump ensures fewer instances of mechanical friction, reduced possibility of harmonic resonance, a decrease in emitted acoustic energy, and a reduction in vibrational shocks, making the entire oil purifier system more durable and less prone to noise-related damage.

High-intensity sound waves can have a number of potential adverse effects on an oil purifier system. These effects are mainly mechanical in nature due to the energy associated with these waves. Here's how they can affect the system:

  1. Structural Damage: High-intensity sound waves can cause structural damage. This damage may occur due to the pressure variation of the sound waves causing mechanical stresses and strains. If these stresses exceed the mechanical strength of the materials, they can cause structural failure.

  2. Resonance: Every mechanical structure has natural frequencies. If the frequency of the sound waves matches these natural frequencies, resonance can occur. This condition amplifies vibrational forces, which can lead to equipment or component rupture if not well managed.

  3. Material Fatigue: High-intensity sound waves can contribute to material fatigue. Over time, this can weaken the material structure, leading components to wear out or fail prematurely.

  4. Reduced Efficiency: The high-intensity sound waves can divert energy from the intended operation of the system, thus reducing efficiency.

  5. Loosening of Components: The strong vibrations caused by intense sound waves could lead to the loosening of screw-fastened or bolted components within the machine, resulting in decreased machine performance, leaks, or even mechanical failure.

  6. Noise Pollution: High-intensity sound waves translate to loud noise, which can create an uncomfortable work environment and potentially violate noise regulations, adding the expenses of noise damping measures.

Overall, high-intensity sound waves can lead to a range of mechanical and operational problems that can be detrimental to the performance and lifespan of the oil purifier and its components.

There are several approaches that can be employed to prevent resonance in the oil purifier system caused by high-intensity sound waves:

  1. Damping: Introducing damping materials or mechanisms can significantly reduce resonance. Damping serves to absorb the vibrational energy that would otherwise lead to a resonant state, converting it into heat or distributing it in a way that avoids destructive amplification of vibrations.

  2. Design Improvements: Design changes can help to prevent resonance. This may involve adjusting the dimensions, layout, or materials of the system to shift its natural frequencies away from the possible frequencies of the high-intensity sound waves.

  3. Avoiding Resonant Frequencies: Operating the system at frequencies that are not close to its natural frequencies can avoid inducing resonance. This requires knowing the natural frequencies of the system, which can be determined through testing or analysis.

  4. Isolation: Vibrational isolation, such as using rubber mounts or other types of isolators can be effective at reducing the transmission of vibrations, thus, reducing the possibility of reaching the resonance frequency.

  5. Active Vibration Control: This involves using sensors and actuators to detect and counteract vibrations before they can cause resonance. This method, while technologically complex, can be highly effective.

  6. Regular Maintenance and Inspection: Continuous checks of the system allow early detection and rectification of factors that could lead to resonance, like loose fittings or worn-out parts. Regularly tightening all bolts and replacing worn or damaged parts can help in preventing resonance.

Implementing these measures, either singly or in combination, can prove highly beneficial in mitigating the risk of resonance in an oil purifier system, thereby enhancing its overall performance and lifespan.

Damping materials play a critical role in reducing resonance within the oil purifier system. Here's how they work:

  1. Absorption of Energy: The principal purpose of damping materials is to absorb the vibrational energy that’s driving the resonance. The damping material actually converts vibrational energy into other forms, typically heat, and in doing so, dissipates the energy away from the system.

  2. Shift Natural Frequencies: Damping materials may also indirectly help by changing the system's natural frequencies. When you add damping, you're changing the mass or stiffness characteristics of the system, which can cause structural frequencies to shift away from excitation frequencies, reducing the chance of resonance.

  3. Limit Amplitude of Vibrations: In cases of resonance, the biggest issue is regularly the high amplitudes of vibration. Damping materials weaken the system's response to forced vibrations, thus reducing the peak amplitude that can be reached when frequencies align.

  4. Reduce Transmission: Damping materials can diminish the transmission of vibrational energy from one component of the system to another, thereby isolating parts of the system from the resonance effect.

  5. Suppress Sustained Oscillations: While damping is often associated with suppressing the large amplitude vibrational oscillations associated with resonance, damping is also effective at suppressing smaller amplitude sustained oscillations that may result from excitation occurring at the system's natural frequency.

It's important to note, however, that while damping materials can be very effective at controlling resonance, ideally, they should be part of a broader strategy that also includes careful system design and regular maintenance to ensure the long-term efficiency and effectiveness of the oil purifier system.

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