Automatic Self Cleaning Fine Filter

Lefilter2024-06-07 BACK TO LIST

Clean water is critical. This is especially important for industries such as food processing, pharmaceuticals and chemical manufacturing. To ensure a high level of water purification, the Automatic Self-Cleaning Fine Filter has been developed to offer high filtration standards and minimal maintenance costs.


1. **Automatic Cleaning System**: The filter features an automatic self-cleaning system that significantly reduces the need for manual maintenance. This is achieved by a built-in backwash mechanism that automatically removes accumulated contaminants.

2. **High Filtration Efficiency**: The filter is capable of capturing particles as small as 5 microns for superior water quality. This makes it ideal for use in process applications where a high degree of purification is required.

3. **Multi Column Design**: Having multiple columns allows the filter to operate continuously. When one column goes through the backwashing process, the others continue to filter water, eliminating downtime and increasing overall performance.

4. **Easy Installation and Maintenance**:The filter is designed to be easy to install and minimize maintenance costs.The compact design allows for installation in confined spaces and the modular structure makes it easy to replace components.

Automatic Self Cleaning Fine Filter 1

Principle of OperationThe operation of the filter is based on several steps:

1.**Filtration**:Dirty water enters the filter and passes through the fine filtration elements. The dirt particles are captured on the surface of the filter and the purified water exits the filter.

2.**Backwash**:When particle accumulation reaches a certain level, it automatically switches to backwash mode. This uses a portion of the purified water to rinse the filter elements under high pressure, removing accumulated contaminants.

3.**Waste Drain and Discharge**:The contaminated wash water is drained into designated tanks or sewers, ensuring that all accumulated particles are removed.

Areas of use

1. **Food Industry**: Used for water purification in beverage, dairy and other food production processes where high quality water is required.

2. **Pharmaceutical Manufacturing**: Required to create clean water used in drug manufacturing processes.

3. **Chemical Industry**: Used to ensure water purity in various chemical reactions and processes.

4. **Energy**: The use of clean water for cooling and other processes is critical to the energy sector, including nuclear power plants and thermal power plants.

Technical specifications

- **Throughput**: 10-100 cubic meters per hour (depending on the model).

- **Size of Filtration Elements**: From 5 to 100 microns.

- **Working Pressure**: 0.2 - 1.6 MPa.

- **Materials of Construction**: Stainless steel, special polymers.

- **Temperature Range**: -20 to +80 degrees Celsius.

Automatic Self Cleaning Fine Filter 2

Installation and Maintenance

1. **Installation**: The filter is supplied ready for use. Installation work includes connecting to the water supply system, setting up the automatic system and initial flushing.

2. **Initial Startup**: After installation, the initial startup of the system is performed, checking all connections and settings of the automatic controller.

3. **Routine Maintenance**: Includes periodic inspection of filtration elements, adjustment of the backwash system and replacement of worn components. Thanks to automation, most operations are performed without operator participation.

4. **Diagnostics and Repair**: The filter is equipped with diagnostic systems that notify you when maintenance or repair is required. If faults are detected, the filter can be quickly returned to working condition thanks to its modular design.


1. **Low Operating Costs**: Automation of the cleaning process minimizes manual maintenance costs.

2. **High Reliability**: Made from high quality materials to ensure long service life and corrosion resistance.

3. **Flexibility and Versatility**: Suitable for use in various industries with different water quality requirements.

4. **Increased Productivity**: Continuous operation without having to stop for cleaning increases overall system performance.

Water Filtration Solutions

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